Sunday, April 18, 2010

Artist Jambalaya

Man it feels great to mesh with other artist. Sometimes it feels like some sci-fi movie where the artists are aliens who come to earth to co-exist and communicate through a unique collective consciousness. I guess you could equate it to the borg for all you trekkies. Anyway, its just comforting to know you can bounce your ideas off of someone and be, for the most part, completely understood.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Channeling The Kunta In Us All.

Whilst having dinner with some friends, we got on the subject of Slavery, a huge interest of mine. I suddenly chimed in with the phrase, "I'm Toby in the fields and Kunta in the Streets. We all laughed because it was of course funny, but it was so much deeper than that. 

It was a realization that i was not only the proper well spoken, well integrated non-threatening black guy, but also the black male deeply rooted in his culture, history, and the enlightenment of a people. It was about roles in society, roles that we all play at some point in our lives. Maybe we present our Toby's at job interviews, in the office or with our loved ones but clock out and live our lives as Kuntas.